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Criminal Record Check

SOMBA is registered with the Criminal Record Review Program (CRRP) as a non-profit organization. This service allows free screening of volunteers who have direct or unsupervised access to children. SOMBA requires that every individual who will work with or volunteer with children have a valid criminal record check on file and that they undergo a Criminal Record Check at least once every 5 years.

The following volunteer positions with SOMBA require screening: SOMBA Board Members, Team Managers, Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Parent Helpers (on field) and Chaperones.

Further, a condition of any Contractor delivering services to SOMBA is to provide a valid (within 1 year) Criminal Record Check and 2 References and that the Criminal Record Check be updated every 5 years.

The results of the Criminal Record Check will be emailed to the SOMBA Secretary and this information is treated confidentially. Criminal Record Checks are valid for 5 years.

Step 1: Volunteer Criminal Record Check Form

The success of our association is through the support and dedication of our Volunteers. Thank you for choosing to volunteer with SOMBA! Your assistance is invaluable. Please complete the following form to start the Criminal Record Check process through the Criminal Record Review Program (CRRP). This form allows SOMBA to identify Volunteers who are submitting Criminal Record Checks and to ensure that the CRC is recorded accurately. The SOMBA Secretary, as the Authorized Contact and person responsible for facilitating the CRC process, will email you SOMBA’s access code for the online CRC request (eCRC).

To get the code required for your criminal record check click here 

* required

  1. Volunteer’s Name & Legal Name (if different) *
  2. Volunteer Position(s)/Title *(ie. Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Manager, Parent Helper, Chaperone)
  3. Volunteer’s Email *
  4. Division *

Step 2: Volunteer eCRC Link

The new eCRC system verifies an applicant’s identity using their BC Services Card. If you are using your BC Service Card to access the online service for the first time, you will be directed to activate your card by video or in person through Service BC. If you choose to activate your card in person, a mobile device (iPhone, iPad or Android) is still required. There is not charge associated with activating a BC Services Card.

eCRC Link: