Thank you for volunteering with SOMBA! We greatly appreciate your dedication and commitment to advancing our mission to promote and support the growth and development of minor baseball in the South Okanagan.
On this page you will find helpful resources for your volunteer role. If you have suggestions or ideas for additional resources please email us.
Safe sport training is required for all Coaches. You will need to register/log into NCCP to access the Safe Sport e-module. See the below Reference Guide for additional information about how to register and access your NCCP Training.
Dear Coaches,
If you have any questions, need drill ideas or you would like to see a drill done, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be more than happy to set up a date to watch and help you with anything that you need.
The best baseball communities are learning communities!
Best wishes in your seasons,
Josh Snider & Thurman Matthews
Player & Coach Development Contractors
This Baseball Canada video will show players and coaches the proper technique to catch a pop up.
This Baseball Canada video will teach players and coaches the proper technique required to field a ground ball that is hit directly at an infielder.
This video will show players and coaches the proper 4 seam grip used for pitchers as well as position players looking to throw the ball straight and accurate.
In this Baseball Canada video Joe Siddall will walk you through the proper throwing mechanics regardless of the position of the player.
This video by Baseball Canada will explain the requirements for becoming certified as a NCCP trained baseball coach and how to maintain that status.
Mailing Address: |
#113-437 Martin St, Box #259 |
Penticton, BC V2A 5L1 |